Recent times have thrown up some pretty good findings, to such an extent I can even THEME this post.
Japanese style desserts Yatsu hashi 八つ橋 and Annindofu 杏仁豆腐. There from, pffft, somewhere or other. Kyoto probably.
The one on the left up there is the Yatsu Hashi one and is very cinnamon-y, so, if you like cinnamon like what I does, you'll probably give it a thumbs up. Like what I did. Really very nice. It's an 8 on the yummy scale and an 8 on the originality one too.

Next up is the Annindofu one which is basically an almondy tofu dessert. Sounds disgusting, it's not. It's lovely as is this Kit Kat. As I swirled these particular chocolatey sticks around my palate (had to check how that was spelt) the very not unpleasant almondy flavours danced upon my tongue and the long finish was reminiscent of the plastic wrapper it had been aged in. I liked it, I liked it a lot. 8.5 (!) for flavour, and another 8 for originality.
Basically the best thing about these two Kit Kats was they actually tasted of something different that was a bit unusual and weren't too sickly. You haven't been charged for this advice Nestle.
Finally, this only contained normal Kit Kats (which actually were really nice to have as they are the best type of Kit Kat and I have't had one for ages because I'm always sampling daft ones) but just look at that box! A 3 carriage Nozomi Shinkansen no less! Also, according to the box, you can buy another and attach it to the back, giving you a full working 6 carriage rinky dink shink. And it had stickers in it.