Tuesday, December 02, 2008
3Kurismasu @ Enjoint Bar Cover

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Read all about it

Monday, October 13, 2008
Hiroshima, Japan
I thought I should blog about my nice weekend but wasn't really in the mood. That was until I happened across probably my least favourite EVER blog, and what I read there was so arse clenchingly awful, so toe curlingly embarassing, that I felt I had to. Well, that's a bit strong, this post ain't gonna end the credit crunch , but after reading such abysmal head-up-arse, 6 form
pretty impressive bands with the ever rotating Hiroshima indie circuit musicians in evidence. How do they find the time to write material and practice I always think. One band was particularly impressive (used that word again, not good style) and featured Noodle out of Gorillaz.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Carp again
Oh and they beat Manche...Giants tonight.
(and speaking of Manchester, Brighton beat the richest club in the world, Manchester City, last night.....Check it :)....)
Carp dream of landmark finish
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Fish might not dream, but Hiroshima Carp do. With Hiroshima Citizens Stadium staging its final games, outfielder Shigenobu Shima revealed his dream to The Hot Corner on Monday.
Before the Carp are transported to a new pond, a larger ballpark near Hiroshima Station for next season, the team has some unfinished business to attend to.
"There's no next year here," Shima said of the park that's scheduled to host its final regular season game on Sunday.
"If we get to the Climax Series, some fans will make it to our road games, but so many wouldn't be able to see us play. That's why we need to win so that we can come home in the Japan Series and play again for our fans here.
"We want to do this, and the fans share the feeling. It's pretty special."
Hiroshima Shimin is fairly special as well: a downtown, natural-surfaced, open-air facility, where fans walk or arrive on the streetcar that stops 30 meters from the gate. It is noticeably old and cramped, but it is also intimate. The atmosphere is similar to that at Koshien, but the fans in Hiroshima are perched closer to the action. The only stadium where the fans are any closer is the Eagles' remodeled park in Sendai.
It is a shame the club and city decided a new park was the best option, because with some serious renovation, this little gem could be unsurpassed.
When the Carp moved here in July 1957, the team was already seven years into an 18-year spell in the lower reaches of the Central League standings. That streak ended in 1968 with a 68-62-4 campaign, the club's second winning season, but Hiroshima's fans continued to suffer until 1975. That was the year the club emerged as a powerhouse.
With a mass of talent developed under former manager Rikuo Nemoto, the Carp won it all in 1975, 1979, 1980 and 1984 under skipper Takeshi Koba.
The Carp continued to be a force in the CL, but failed to win the Series in 1986 and 1991, with that last year being a turning point in the team's fortunes. The old guard of the 1980s was gone and new stars were emerging. Third baseman Akira Eto, shortstop Kenjiro Nomura and an outfield trio of Koichi Ogata, Tomonori Maeda and Tomoaki Kanemoto should have powered Hiroshima to some pennants, but the decline of the club's pitching and catching proved too big an obstacle.
Shinji Sasaoka had the stuff and heart to be Japan's best pitcher for over a decade, but the abusive management of Koji Yamamoto turned the dominant right-hander into a journeyman by the age of 27. Under Yamamoto and Toshiyuki Mimura, who skippered the Carp from 1994 to 1998, the Carp burned out one promising young pitcher after another.
Free agency, the inability to keep young pitchers healthy and the organization's unwillingness to pay the cost of keeping successful foreign players doomed the Carp to 10 straight lower-division finishes from 1998 to 2007.
The loss of the team's two best players, third baseman Takahiro Arai and pitcher Hiroki Kuroda, to free agency made things look bleak for a turnaround in Shimin Kyujo's final season. For those focusing on players who were either gone or long past their prime, the Carp had no chance.
But fortunately for the Carp and their fans, names do not win games, players do.
By fighting the owner's desire that every Carp lineup look like an old-timers game, Brown has given chances to younger, faster and more ambitious players.
Instead of having the popular, but lead-footed, Maeda in the outfield as ownership wants, the combination of Shima, Soichiro Amaya, Masato Akamatsu and Alex Ochoa provides a healthy supply of speed, offense and defense.
The addition of league strikeout and ERA leader Colby Lewis (14-7) has helped a fairly young pitching staff be even better without Kuroda.
The new-look Carp have played better and better as the season has progressed and seized a slight advantage in the race for the CL's final playoff spot over the past week.
So while the Carp fans are celebrating the old times, the team is giving Hiroshima a chance to see the old park in its best way possible--as the home of a winning team.
(Sep. 25, 2008)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
広島市民球場, Hiroshima Shimin Kyujo
Friday, September 19, 2008
In the name of the father the son and the drum and bass
Haven't done a YouTube post for a while (not including my tracks) but this is a goody
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
My all new dance troupe
Not real, but then neither are Gorillaz are they?
Found this on YouTube taken from the game 'Audition' which my track 'Apathetic' was licensed for.
The two on the right don't look much cop.
Monday, August 25, 2008
3K at Lotus and a new mix

Monday, July 28, 2008
Fucking hell!

Friday, July 11, 2008
A question
I bet they would.
If anyone can shed any light on this, the comments section is open :)
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
New Track - Long Time Rocker
I digress, as my English teacher Mrs Welford used to say. You can hear it on my MySpace page, with all the sonic quality that the MySpace players provide. Comments, both cruel and kind are most welcome.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Never mind Spain's 44 year wait or England's 42 years of hurt, what about my 35 years of never getting to watch a major final that I have some connection with eh?
Finally, in the very early hours of Monday morning I got to experience one of my football dreams. The one about being a professional footballer unfortunately looks like it might need to be shelved.
Incase you don't know, Spain beat Germany 1-0 in the final of Euro2008 and thanks to my Dad deciding to go and wait on tables over 40 years ago from A Coruna in Galicia I was able to watch one of my teams win something.
I've only ever really liked one sport, probably in part due to my Dad's nationality (he didn't exactly have much of a passion for Rugby and Cricket) , but also just cos it's so bloody good. Despite the ridiculous money that sloshes around in it, the scandals, the sometime violence and the gamesmanship it still, usually, retains it's essence once the game is underway. It's the one true world sport, the game of the people, the beautiful game, insert next football cliche here. It's simplicity and skill are what I think people like. You can play football on your own, with a couple of people, without posts (Jumpers for goalposts....), without a ball even. And it's all at your feet. In the past I have read American pundits scorn football because you use your feet. Complete idiocy. Hand eye coordination is easier guys. That's why people get so excited when a player threads a ball through to a team mate, dribbles past 2 or 3 opponents or looks up and pings a ball perfectly to another player. That's why one goal is so special and why they are celebrated so wildly.
I'm going on I know but waking up on Sunday I felt like a kid, rushing out to buy a Spain shirt and then wanting to walk around in it, and I am still grinning when I think about it. For once Germany didn't wreck my dreams and, bias aside, by far the best team in the tournament won.
Now if only England could win something....
wait for that blog post! Or rather, don't hold your breath. It could be quite a while yet.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wax on, Wax off

Monday, June 09, 2008
arrrgggghhhhhhhh! 2
Dunno what happened with the previous post. One great big copy and paste mess with a few typos for good measure.
Anyway, to prove I'm not incapable, here's another video of the same place and it even has English sub-titles. It kind of makes it look not that scary which is a shame. Don't be fooled though.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
I once blogged about my terrifying experience in an Obake Yashiki (Haunted House) in Odaiba Tokyo - I once blogged about my terrifying experience in an Obake Yashiki (Haunted House) in Odaiba Tokyo - http://windcheaterblog.blogspot.com/2006/10/tokyo.html
I've often told people about it and how scray it was and then it occurred to me to have a look on Youtube for it......and there it is. There's actually a couple of videos. Anyway, If you sit there watching it and think that the girls in this are a bit wet and are screamig way to much, you really should try it out yourself. I've never sworn so loudly in my life.
I've often told people about it and how scray it was and then it occurred to me to have a look on Youtube for it......and there it is. There's actually a couple of videos. Anyway, If you sit there watching it and think that the girls in this are a bit wet and are screamig way to much, you really should try it out yourself. I've never sworn so loudly in my life.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Charlie Brooker
Ghastly and nightmarish though Miliband may be, he's got nothing on gloomy Gordon Brown, who increasingly resembles a humourless, imposing old butler slowly creaking the mansion door open in a Frankenstein movie. Prime Minister Igor, the shuffling fun-free zone. No wonder the nation's fallen out of love with him. Imagine playing a carefree game of frisbee with Brown at a summer barbeque. You can't. That's why the poor bastard's doomed.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Drinking strong alcohol in city centres
One of my least favourite Japanese stereotypes is the salaryman, drunk or sober, I'm not fussy. Now, I say stereotypes because I ofcourse know many very nice salarymen but we all generalise, however enlightened we feel ourselves and when I'm in the mood to generalise, I like to generalise about annoying salarymen. For the sake of this post, let's focus on the drunk variety. Loud, obnoxious, thinking it's hilarious to chat to a Gaijin. I'm sure a lot of us have been there. The thing is, after being here a while, this starts to grate and more importantly, I forget about drunkeness back home. Last night however brought it back to me for a moment.
Now, I know there are beer festivals and the like in the UK but like this? Completely open to all, from 4 in the afternoon, Sake being downed amongst shoppers and school kids on their way home. Where were the sirens? Where was the blood? What's all this good natured drunkeness? Not tipsy or tiddly, but properly, commitedly, studiously drunk. I had wondered why my mate enjoyed this event so much but it quickly became clear. It was just really nice, and no one was fighting. As another friend commented last night; 'Beer gardens? Nomihoudai? At home? You must be joking.' (He's from NZ)
So it was nice. Nice to realise again, one of the finer aspects of living here. No doubt the next time a salaryman staggers over to me in an Izakaya I'll have forgotten, but I'll try at least, to remember.
Monday, May 19, 2008
3K@Bar Edge Sat 24th 10pm - ?am FREE

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
WC goes Pro
It's not much (it really isn't) but it's the first time I have really received anything like cash money for any of my music, so, I might have a beer tonight.
It's all thanks to Beatpick where you can stream either of my 2 E.P.s or indeed BUY them from my own little page there - HERE -
Sunday, May 11, 2008
ah pareee

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Toilets I have loved #1

Friday, April 11, 2008
British haute cuisine

Incredibly some people still labour under the impression that the UK lags behind the rest of the world when it comes to food. Well, feast your eyes on that Paris.
Jealous? I think so.
Can't help but think that Alan Partridge had some hand in the inspiration of this dish.
Monday, April 07, 2008
That video...
Saturday, April 05, 2008
An apology
Friday, April 04, 2008
Windcheater beats off competition from Jamiroquai
Not really, but, my track Penalise 'em was used in the above video in place of the guy with the big hats cos, well, it's obvious really isn't it. They didn't pay for it. My stuff however, is available for non-commercial use through www.Beatpick.com . Have a look if you're in need of some music for whatever project, there's all types of music and it's all of a very high quality....that's why I'm on there naturally :)
P.S. I'm reminded by this of once talking with an Australian mate of mine who asked me if I liked Jamie Rock Y.
tee hee
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A whole Lotus fun
Monday, March 17, 2008
Oops I did it again

I haven't shaved my hair off or wandered around drunk on stage at the MTV awards. Yet.
Keeping a blog it's interesting to look back on what I've been up to the past 3 years and also to see how I sometimes repeat myself.
Last year I bought back some omiyage for the kids I teach and ended up scoffing the lot. Well, this year, before I went back to the UK I had seen a friend of mine I don't often see and his very cute, very cooly named boy. He happened to mention that they were big fans of Jaffa Cakes (see pic) . At Sainsbury's one day I spied the Chocolatey Orange biscuit/cake (which side of the debate are you on?) and remembering what they'd said bought a packet to bringback. As I said, I don't see them often....and I don't have a contact mail or number.....and today it occurred to me to check the best before date.....5th of April. Shit!12 days out of date, I can't give them them now. But I can't just throw them away....so, I ate them. Old people eat out of date stuff all the time and old people never die do they?
Another thing occurred to me whilst I was eating them. Something that an alert blog reader might have already noticed. It's not April is it? It's March. They were fine. A genuine mistake, but I've just done half of the packet. Can't give them an opened box now can I?
Oh well. Maybe next time. On a side note I see that they now make 'Zingy' Blackcurrant and Lemon and Lime Jaffa Cakes, which, I have to say, sound disgusting.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This week

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Clicking irritants
Anyway, the days are getting warmer, the light lasting longer, the blossoms are a-sprouting, my snot runneth ceaselessly and as of this week my eyes are definitely starting to itch. Yep Spring is coming and so is the pollen. I have never been much of an allergy sufferer until 3 years ago and I learnt one of my most used phrases かふんしょうです. Bloody hell, it's a nightmare. Last year I would wake up with my eyes stuck together. Ironically this was the nicest part of the day as they wouldn't itch then. So, I would lay in bed, for 10 minutes or so, with them safely sealed from all the goo they'd oozed. Mmmmm goo.
Anyway, I eventually got my pathetic arse down to a Doctor and he gave me some medicine and er, it got better. But it's back! Luckily this year, remembering the horrors of last, I went back to the good doc and got the same medicine over a month ago (I had a cold I thought it had started). It's been sitting on my kitchen table ever since and I think I might just crack it open tomorrow.
Which leads me in a wonderfully vague way to encourage anyone suffering in silence to get yourself to a doctor. Doesn't matter if you don't speak Japanese. Just sniffle and say Kafunshou desu. The one I went to is called something like the Hiroshima Respiratory and Alergy clinic and is behind Hiroshima Eki (Shinkansen side). Cross at the lights and go straight and take the first or second right. Then look out on the right hand side, about 5 floors up for some kind of clinic. How's THAT for 'sketchy'.
Bless you
Friday, February 22, 2008
Shouldn't laugh, but....
Tetsunori Nanpei, 39, put on the uniform he had bought over the internet and took a walk near the high school in Saitama, north of Tokyo, on Wednesday.
Students standing outside the school gates caught sight of him and started screaming, local papers reported, at which point Nanpei rushed on to the school grounds hoping to blend in with the crowds of teenagers.
When pupils in the school began screaming the man fled, losing his wig in the process. A school clerk pursued him and stopped him at a nearby riverbank.
Police confirmed the man's arrest but gave no further details.
'hoping to blend in'! :)
Back in the days...

Most of this recent sepia tinted memory-fest has come about because of Facebook. I only joined it to play Scrabble, but it certainly works in a kind of, browse your mates photo albums way and, it throws up a fair few people you haven't seen in a LONG time. One add of an old friend lead to another and another, and then one of those old friends put up a photo or two, which inspired another friend to do the same, and, well, you get the picture (or I did :BOOMTISH:). I now have a growing collection of photos, that I'd never seen before, of me, fresh faced and fancy free.
You also get groups...I have joined a few. Basically related to my social circle here. The other day though, I noticed, amongst all the frigging pokes, that one of my friends had joined a group called 'Spiral Tribe'. Spiral Tribe were (are) the sound system I had some of the best nights/weekends of my life with, and there, in their group/on their website are photos of some of those events. Not
brilliant photos it has to be said, but photos none the less and recognisable....parties in fields and warehouses from 17 years ago that I could still see more or less in my mind's eye, but now there they are on my computer screen. Torpedo Town, the best rave I ever went to, Worthing, which I remember for dancing for around 8 hours solid, and the New Year's Parties
at the Round House in London, the first being brilliant, the actual New Year party being a bit of nightmare.
At times like this I really do love the internet. I imagine though that future generations will be able to call up almost anything, anytime, anywhere. I remember reminiscing, at around the time the top picture was taken, with friends about kids programmes we used to watch. I never thought at that time that I would see them again. Perhaps that was before nostalgia TV and video/DVD re-releases were so popular. More importantly though, it was before YOUTUBE. Hands up who's wasted many an hour on Youtube watching music videos/TV Shows from their youth? I have to say I love it, and it outdid Facebook in the nostalgia stakes when I discovered these videos of Nirvana playing at Reading festival in 1991. It's a gig I remember really well because they were so good on that day, but my god, the whole thing is there. My 17 year old memories, not just captured in a frozen image, but the whole bloody thing, audio an' all. It's like watching it projected from, or on to, as Alan Partridge would say, 'my mind's curtain cupboard'.
And why has most of this come from August 1991? Dr Emmett Brown might hypothesise about the cultural significance of that but for me, it represents a very (pleasant) surprising look back, and now record, of one of the most enjoyable times I've had. I never jumped into my drum kit like Kurt though.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Where I live
When WC learnt to dance
Listening to music
The day job
Hifana come to town
The Noro virus
Buy my music :)
Golden Week
Long weekends with Dangerous Drums
GH Festival
Dancing in Japan
I love Tokyo
Trying to find the normal people
My year
Monday, February 04, 2008
A farewell to Roxis
So, no more regular nights but look out for irregular events at Lotus, Edge and the occasional spot at Mugen from us at 3K. Will ofcourse, keep you 'all' informed.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
An ode to tea...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A listening loose end
Since I was back in the UK I have been listening a fair bit to Dubstep FM . The UK part isn't relevant, other than the music's roots, as it's based in America. My brother just had it on often. It's very good, streams at 192kbps geek fans, and showcases a lot of very good dubstep. Not everyone's cup of tea, it's been slowly growing on me. It's definitely good sound system type music. Dropped a couple of tracks late on on Saturday when I had drank enough not to worry if anyone left. Sounded amazing loud. Give it a spin, you, you might like it.....you might need some half decent speakers though.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008

2008, the year of the rat. My year. I'm a rat. The Stranglers album on the left is one of my favourite ever albums, Rattus Norvegicus. Nice link (not the hyperlink). 2007 won't be going down as WC's best so hopefully 2008 will be better and I'm being PROACTIVE! Starting with this blog, so, Hisashiburi.
I'm sat in my parent's home much as I was this time last year. Some things have changed though, we've been playing PES 7 this year. Also I seem to have a mild version of my old friend the Noro Virus. It's all the rage in the UK right now.
I have at least now, spent some time in another Asian country other than Japan and a couple of days in Korea.
If you've ever read Viz and not been to Newcastle, you'll be pleased to hear the stereotypes are far from made up. Biffa Bacon, The Fat slags, I saw them all on a brief walk through town on a Friday night. That said, away from your herds of binge drinking pleasure seekers the people were very friendly, a far cry from the miserable bastards round here.
And so, tomorrow night I fly back to Japan to start 2008. Will the rat bring me luck?
Musically I should be off to a good start with one of my tracks featuring in a documentary about street life and hip hop culture in New York (word) and GHB and myself will be at Seacake Style on the 12th of Jan. We had a couple of great parties at Lotus towards the end of the year....look out for a few more of them.
Happy New Year