Monday, November 20, 2006

Some people

Nintendo's Wii has been launched all over America :snigger: and I was delighted to read about this chap :

The first buyer, Isaiah Triforce Johnson, had been waiting in line outside the store for more than a week. He wore a Nintendo Power Glove, a wearable controller that came out in 1989, while shaking hands with Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime after buying the first Wii. Johnson said he had legally changed his middle name to a reference in Nintendo's "Zelda" game series.

Wonder if he's got a girlfriend? Having said that , I wasted hours and hours of my life playing the Legend of Zelda on the N64 and I got very nostalgic looking at that map above. It really was an amazing game.


Andy said...

It was brilliant wasn't it, never completed it, but loved all the little side missions, fishing, etc, God I'm a Nerd :)

windcheater said...

I did complete it and I almost cried...

how sad is that!