So, we're in an Izakaya. One where you can't see outside, and there's all this rumbling nonsense going on outside. Thunder? Nah, surely the trams rolling by (despite the fact I can also tell there is something flashing very brightly fairly often). It was all a bit reminiscent of the
Geiyo earthquake that I was living slap bang in the middle of 2 months after arriving in Japan. Oh, must be the underground I thought as the ground underneath did a good impression of making me look drunk. Problem is there is no underground (well there are 3 statons) in Hiroshima, let alone tiny little Hiro where I was walking at the time. I'm digressing, what I mean to say is, as I didn't think much was going on then, and I didn't think much had happened in the mere 20 or 30 minutes since we noticed the first rumbles inside the Izakaya. Then we went outside....pissing down. Not annoying pissing down, but laugh out loud, bloody HELL pissing down. Bikes strewn all over the pavement, roads completely flooded, pissing down. The whole day had been blazing sunshine and blue skies. Not one hint of even a cloud all day and then the cycle home was like something from a natural disaster weather report. My feet got all wet dammit! Hope no one got hurt/had homes wrecked. If that's the case, it was a lot of fun :)
The photo is of just ouside my apartment block. It didn't even come close to that wet during the massive typhoon of a couple of years ago. All in half an hour. Hardcore weather.