You see, one of the THREE (yes, 3) Kit Kat flavours I'll be reviewing here is the 'パフ in' Kit Kat.
The 'パフ' (pafu) refers to little 'puffs' of, I dunno, honecombe type stuff, embedded in the chocolate. Hence, 'puff' 'in'.
I tell you what, it's, PUFF-etic.
(pauses to enjoy that moment)
You hardly even notice they are there. Much like if you lived in a major connurbation, you wouldn't really be aware of the existence of puffins.
I'm generous like that.
So this is going to get a 7/10 for Niceness. It is after all a pretty normal chunky Kit Kat, and a 1/10 for it's PUFF-ormance in the originality stakes. Poor.
Both came in boxes with MINISCULE little Kit Kats inside.
C and C failed to live up to it's lovely ice cream cousin, and the SH one was as cloying and sickly as Strawberry flavoured chocolate usually is.
C and C gets 6/10 for niceness and 5/10 for originality.
SH gets 4/10 for niceness and 6/10 for originality.
Where the hell the hazlenut 'flavour' is in the latter is anybody's guess.
Must try harder.