3k won't be around for a little bit longer unfortunately. Edge is pretty fully booked up so it's looking like a May date. Yes May! Hopefully see some of you in Lotus before then.
Apart from that it's hay fever season here (nightmare) and the Heiroglyphics are flavour of the month in the WC studios. Check them out, wickerrrrd.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Sickness permitting....

3k should be back in March. Well, whether or not I'm ill it's sure to be so make sure you check out Hiroshima's original (only?) breaks night. Mark our words, everyone'll be doing it. One day. Read some stuff about the last one here.
Apart from that, I've been battling flu demons and the far worse horrors of trying to build websites. I can kind of see why web designers charge 1000's of pounds now. Although I imagine they are a tad more fluent than I am in their chosen field.
Bought an mp3 off Breakbeat Online the other day. Well worth a look if you are interested in, er, breakbeats. Very easy to use and great quality, long samples for you to check out too.
And that's today's blog.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Feautured artist at Soundlift.com

The nice people at Soundlift.com have decided to feature me on their front page for a week. Lovely stuff.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Occasional confusion - New Track

It's that time again. I finished my latest track today and you can have a listen to a nice 192kbps mp3 of it on my Soundlift Page . It's a breakbeat affair called 'Occasional Confusion' that started out as a remix of an older track called 'Agony Aunt' which I decided to bin, so, I won't be calling it a remix. It's got a new bassline and breaks anyway, plus some samples from older WC songs I plundered. I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments right here will be very much appreciated. If you really can't be arsed to navigate away from this page, you can download a lower quality 128kbps version from HERE.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Hello. It's been a while but I've been entertaining these two. Loads of cool pictures of Hiroshima and Japan in general on there if you are at all interested. A couple of hideous ones of me too. It's all gone so fast, I suppose cos I've been working whilst they've been here. This Monday I took a day off though and we went to Iwakuni to see the Kintai-kyo bridge.
Oh how I hate Iwakuni. With it's stupid bridge and it's stupid marines, and it's 3 day old fart, left in a dirty sock, smelly air. Perhaps that's slightly unfair (to the bridge) but I've been there twice now and have felt a bit under the weather both times. This Monday though I felt sufficiently under that weather to decide to come straight home after arriving at aforementioned bastard bendy bridge. What followed was a journey that will probably stand the test of oratory time, like what that Beowulf did. Quick dump and vomit in toilets by Kintai-kyo. Hop on bus, close eyes, sip water, try and ignore corners. Back to Iwakunting station. Bit of a wait for train. Slightly sweaty moment but stayed within dashing distance of toilets and then it's onto the train. Oh the train....with it's complete lack of toilets. WHOSE IDEA WAS THAT? I managed to cope admirably for about 40 minutes. Then within striking distance of an early departure off train and a taxi I started to feel really bad. Remember, no toilet! Horrible horrible waves of nausea, cold sweat and panic.....and then retching. Christ know's what the other mid-Monday passengers thought of me, head in my hands praying to whatever Shinto god protects travellers on bog-less trains from vomiting everywhere. I just about made it. Ran off the train and into the toilets to.......not be sick. Ahem. So it was into a taxi, deliriously tell him he was going the wrong way (when he wasn't) and home. From this point it was a fairly regular: bed (shivering cold) to toilet, back to bed (freezing) to bathroom to vomit as if possesed by the devil. And repeat. Until the wonderful nurses Andy and Sam arrived to feed me drugs which stopped me being sick and plugged me up until the morning..... erm, I then got very very hot and had a very very weird night. Poor Sam got it too. What was it? Answers on a postcard please, I'm scared of doctors. So, what with that, my chums leaving and other stuff, it's not been a great start to February.
Here's to the next 11 months. Stay healthy people.
Oh how I hate Iwakuni. With it's stupid bridge and it's stupid marines, and it's 3 day old fart, left in a dirty sock, smelly air. Perhaps that's slightly unfair (to the bridge) but I've been there twice now and have felt a bit under the weather both times. This Monday though I felt sufficiently under that weather to decide to come straight home after arriving at aforementioned bastard bendy bridge. What followed was a journey that will probably stand the test of oratory time, like what that Beowulf did. Quick dump and vomit in toilets by Kintai-kyo. Hop on bus, close eyes, sip water, try and ignore corners. Back to Iwakunting station. Bit of a wait for train. Slightly sweaty moment but stayed within dashing distance of toilets and then it's onto the train. Oh the train....with it's complete lack of toilets. WHOSE IDEA WAS THAT? I managed to cope admirably for about 40 minutes. Then within striking distance of an early departure off train and a taxi I started to feel really bad. Remember, no toilet! Horrible horrible waves of nausea, cold sweat and panic.....and then retching. Christ know's what the other mid-Monday passengers thought of me, head in my hands praying to whatever Shinto god protects travellers on bog-less trains from vomiting everywhere. I just about made it. Ran off the train and into the toilets to.......not be sick. Ahem. So it was into a taxi, deliriously tell him he was going the wrong way (when he wasn't) and home. From this point it was a fairly regular: bed (shivering cold) to toilet, back to bed (freezing) to bathroom to vomit as if possesed by the devil. And repeat. Until the wonderful nurses Andy and Sam arrived to feed me drugs which stopped me being sick and plugged me up until the morning..... erm, I then got very very hot and had a very very weird night. Poor Sam got it too. What was it? Answers on a postcard please, I'm scared of doctors. So, what with that, my chums leaving and other stuff, it's not been a great start to February.
Here's to the next 11 months. Stay healthy people.
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