Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New Track - Long Time Rocker

I've been posting this up in a few places around the net and even played it out on Saturday so why I haven't put it on my own blog until now I'm not sure. Here it is though. Windcheater fans (hello John and Derek) might have noticed that this 'new' track has exactly the same name as a slightly older track. This version did start out as a remix, or reworking, or whatever you want to call it but is so far removed from the original version I did plan on giving it another name. When I put it up on my MySpace though I didn't want to call it Work In Progress or anything so stuck with the older one. The previous version won't be seeing the light of day now anyway.

I digress, as my English teacher Mrs Welford used to say. You can hear it on my MySpace page, with all the sonic quality that the MySpace players provide. Comments, both cruel and kind are most welcome.


Unknown said...

I've still go the old one mwaaa ha haaaaaaa...

Unknown said...

here btw