I've been on holiday. Quite a long one. A month infact and it was a lorra lorra fun.
First off did the UK thing. No surprises there really although after 8 years away the rain/sun/rain/sun/rain/sun all in one day weather was bizarre.
Next up was Spain. First time in six years, it was great to catch up with family and be in Galicia again. My waistline was/is groaning under the diest of cheese, jamon, chorizo and Estrella Galicia. Still, I can't complain.
Lastly and by no means leastly I headed for Berlin, Germany with my windcheater hat on to do a bit of DJing and hook up with friends and label owners Corin and Vela. It was my first time in Germany and if you haven't been I highly recommend Berlin to anyone. Maybe cos it was August and people were away had something to do with the chilled out nature of the place, I don't know but it was all just so, relaxed. Even the cars seemed to be saying; It's fine, I don't have to be anywhere in a hurry, wander out into the street when you feel like it..
Throw in some fascinating history too and you've got one great city. Gigs went well, beer was drank, more old friends met and finally I limped back to Hiroshima.
So back to normal. Time to get producing again after a couple of months of just DJing, although having said that, hopefully see some of you out and about when I am behind the decks in town.