Summer is finally here. Rainy season was unusually long although it did seem to take a break for a mini summer in the middle for a couple of weeks that had me all confused, and royally pissed off when it started raining again. But it’s all gone and I can start playing football again and sweating like a pig. In fact, the first proper post on this blog was made as last year’s Tsuyu finished. The WCblog is a year old, coinciding nicely with the season of WC family birthdays; brotherWC, me, NieceWC and sisterWC all in the space of two weeks.
In fact it’s been a few weeks of Japanese summer type stuff. 3 weeks ago I went with work to the Island of Ninoshima. One of the many great things about living where I do, and something I don’t take advantage of enough, is that I can cycle 20 minutes down the road, hop on a ferry and in 20 minutes step onto (and back in time into) the world of a Seto Inland sea island. Ninoshima is great. We took the kids to an outdoor pool and watched them splash around for a couple of hours, had some curry then walked over the mountain and through a town that couldn’t be more removed from the city centre of Hiroshima and anywhere in urban Japan. Nasty sun burnt legs though.
Last weekend was the Lotus gig which wasn’t as well attended as the last one but was pleasant enough. I was a bit late owing to the Ujina port fireworks which were fantastic. How the frig do you make shapes out of fireworks? I’ll always curse the fact that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament during the winter. Twat. Didn’t he realise he was condemning us Brits to fireworks in winter? Muddy fields filled with terrifying young children and their poorly constructed ‘Guys’, fairground rides that have clearly never heard of a safety check and burger vans. Summer is the time for fireworks and the ones 2 weeks ago were stunning. Wish I’d taken my sampler. There were some fantastic kick drums to be heard ;)
And then this weekend it was work again and summer camp. It was at a mountain park that has a small farm with animals, fields of stuff to pick and various other foresty type stuff for little ‘uns to run around in without getting mauled by bears. Very tiring but very very pleasant as all the kids were great and the weather was lovely. Hot o’clock though. I whittled my own chopsticks. Extremely poorly it has to be said. I was shown up by an 8 year old. The lucky kids also got to see a rabbit eat it’s own baby bunny. I decided not to watch at 7.30 in the morning with a slow burning hangover.
Back in the 'studio' I've now got some lovely new monitors that sound ruddy bloody good. I've even started to work on a new original track.....it's been a while.
Ja ne