Well, we had a lot of people through the door, the music was banging, and there were people dancing, but at the end of the evening GHB and myself felt more like we'd put on a drum and bass night for a couple of the local d'n'b crews rather than the Breaks extravaganza we'd hoped for.
Not that the night didn't have it's positives. Ca2 proved himself an excellent DJ and it'll be good to have him along for the
Dangeorus Drums night. There did seem to be a little crowd there for the breaks too. I think if we're going to push things here then we're going to have to boldly go where no man has gone before. Or if I'm doing the more up to date pc Star Trek, no-one. Get the popular local D'n'B DJs in and we're guaranteed a crowd, but it's not really what we're about.
It was interesting to see how, no matter what country your in, people always want to blag something. I don't think it's got anything to do with the money really (especially when our nights cost literally 500yen to go in), just wanky, I'm known around here bollocks. I remember regularly meeting twats in Brighton who would boast about how they could 'get into any club night in this town'. I haven't yet found out what the Japanese for 'SO?' is. Must do that. We did have a lot of people come who seemed to want us to pay for their night out and poor
SH had to deal with most of them. Sozz mate x

Right. Enough moaning. Next month see's
Dangerous Drum's ED2000 touch down at 3K. It's a Friday night this time so get your dancing shoes on a night earlier and make the effort to come down because if you're not in to Drum and Bass it's not that often you get to see a DJ of such quality out and about in Hiroshima. We'll have a mix of his up somewhere soon....will keep you informed.